SOA/BPM appliance for Oracle VM VirtualBox

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Download a Pre-built Virtual Machine for Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle BPM Suite 11g
Posted 9/14/10 // Tags: soa, bpm, vm

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Pre-built Virtual Machine for SOA Suite and BPM Suite 11g
This VirtualBox appliance contains a fully configured, ready-to-use SOA/BPM 11g R1 installation Sep-2010

OTN Pre-built Virtual Machine for SOA Suite and BPM Suite 11g の Overview より

Please note that this appliance is for testing purposes only, as such it is unsupported and should not to be used in a production environment.

This VirtualBox appliance contains a fully configured, ready-to-use SOA/BPM 11g R1 installation.

All you need is to install Oracle VirtualBox on your desktop/laptop and import the SOA/BPM appliance and you are ready to try out SOA 11g including the recently released BPM 11g -- no installation and configuration required!

Database App Development VM Appliance aka Oracle VM VirtualBox Appliance - wmo6hash::blog では、すぐできることがたくさんありそうな Developer Day - Hands-on Database Application Development に載っているチュートリアルを含む仮想アプライアンスのことを書きましたが、この Pre-built Virtual Machine for SOA Suite and BPM Suite 11g にある SOA/BPM appliance も、だいたい同じ要領で Oracle SOA Suite 11g Release 1 Patch Set 2 ( for Linux x86 に含まれる製品などを使い始めることができるみたいです。 By Manoj Das on September 19, 2010 9:28 PM で紹介されている、発売されたばかりの Getting Started with Oracle BPM Suite 11gR1 - A Hands-On Tutorial | PACKT Books を片手に…なんてのが「大人のたしなみ」なのかもしれませんね。


Oracle VM VirtualBox®
User Manual
 1. First steps
  Importing and exporting virtual machines