ふと思い立って GitHub を Verticaをキーワードに検索し表示されたリポジトリ全てに目を通しました。
Owner/Repository name | Description or a few line of README | Last Updated |
sKwa/vertica | Extensions and utilities for HP Vertica Analytic RDBMS | 2015/2/7 |
vertica/DistributedR | Distributed R is a scalable high-performance platform for the R language. It enables and accelerates large scale machine learning, statistical analysis, and graph processing. | 2015/2/5 |
wvanbergen/node-vertica | Pure javascript Vertica database client. Except it is written in CoffeeScript. | 2015/2/4 |
tkuhlman/vertica-swift-backup | Scripts to backup/restore Vertica to OpenStack Swift | 2015/1/29 |
Appdynamics/vertica-monitoring-extension | Vertica DB Monitoring Extension | 2015/1/22 |
NorbertKrupa/vertica-kit | Vertica Kit http://www.vertica.tips | 2015/1/12 |
uber/vertica-python | vertica-python is a native Python adapter for the Vertica (http://www.vertica.com) database. | 2015/1/10 |
VoltDB/vertica-udxloader | vertica-udxloader | 2015/1/5 |
tfhartmann/terraform-vertica | Build an Example Vertica Cluster (Work in Progress) | 2015/1/1 |
verticamon/vertica-integration-test | Support for integration tests that run against real Vertica database | 2014/12/4 |
wvanbergen/vertica | Ruby adapter for Vertica databases http://vanbergen.org/vertica | 2014/12/4 |
eliangcs/vertica-vagrant | Vertica, Vagrant, and Ubuntu 14.04 | 2014/11/26 |
civitaspo/jdbc-vertica | Jdbc::Vertica Basic library for jdbc vertica. | 2014/11/16 |
rutube/django_vertica_backend | Django Vertica Backend A proof-of-concept for connecting Django ORM to HP Vertica database. | 2014/11/13 |
keygenqt/yii2-vertica | Vertica Query and ActiveRecord for Yii 2 | 2014/11/13 |
bluelabsio/docker-vertica | Dockerfile to build image of Vertica Community Edition. | 2014/11/6 |
vertica/Place | HP Vertica Place | 2014/11/5 |
semberal/vertica-vagrant | Ansible playbooks for the Vertica database running in VirtualBox using Vagrant | 2014/11/2 |
vojtarylko/RL-3624 | Load data to PostgreSQL and Vertica | 2014/10/24 |
TonyWu/DataImport2Vertica | 2014/10/21 | |
failattu/VerticaNode | Playing with HP vertica drivers with Node.js | 2014/10/19 |
imarchenko/vertica | HP Vertica Related Projects | 2014/10/14 |
theory/sqitch-vertica-intro | A tutorial introduction to Sqitch change management on Vertica | 2014/9/6 |
azvoleff/vertica_hack2014 | Code for testing setup for Hackathon at 2014 HP Big Data Conference | 2014/8/12 |
anishek/vertica | vertica issues | 2014/8/11 |
vertica/Vertica-Hadoop-Connector | Vertica Hadoop Connector | 2014/7/30 |
tkuhlman/cookbooks-vertica | Mon vertica cookbook | 2014/7/30 |
jbfavre/python-vertica | vertica-python Debian packaging for Vertica client python module | 2014/7/17 |
ankit-rakha/flaming-octo-wight | Vertica to neo4j Data loader | 2014/7/5 |
chEbba/dbal-vertica-driver | Doctrine DBAL driver for Vertica | 2014/6/23 |
attune-api/vertica-export | Transforms the results of a Vertica SQL query into JSON | 2014/6/3 |
spektom/vertica-utilities | Useful Vertica DB functions | 2014/5/29 |
cohenjo/liquibase-vertica | Liquibase extension to add improved Vertica support | 2014/4/27 |
loopback2020/NHibernate.Vertica | Vertica 7 Driver for Nhibernate | 2014/4/15 |
saswata000/Vertica-Database | Useful scripts for Vertica Database | 2014/4/13 |
shutterstock/vertica-cli | Command-line Vertica client in Node.js | 2014/3/13 |
nnani/Vertica | Repo for all the Vertica receipes | 2014/3/9 |
qubell-bazaar/component-vertica | HP Vertica | 2014/3/7 |
jamescasbon/vertica-sqlalchemy | vertica dialect for sqlalchemy | 2014/2/27 |
vertica/Vertica-Extension-Packages | User Defined Extensions to the Vertica Analytic Database http://www.vertica.com/ | 2014/2/27 |
manygrams/insertica | A simple tool to insert data into Vertica. | 2014/2/26 |
tyro89/fluent-plugin-vertica | Fluentd output plugin for Vertica | 2014/2/9 |
brianstien/activerecord-import-vertica | A Vertica extension for activerecord-import. | 2014/1/16 |
brianstien/geokit-rails-vertica | Geokit::Rails::Vertica A vertica adapter for geokit-rails. | 2014/1/4 |
r0man/vertica-el | Vertica SQL mode extension for Emacs | 2013/12/18 |
wvanbergen/vertigo | Go client for Vertica anayltics database | 2013/10/10 |
Babazka/vertica_approx_distinct | Linear probabilistic counter as aggregate UDF to estimate COUNT(DISTINCT x) | 2013/9/14 |
joshvarner/vertex | Vertica Explorer by InterWorks | 2013/9/4 |
okl/varstar | Vertica + R makes you a Star! | 2013/8/17 |
kevinychen/fast-sheet | Vertica AMI Demo | 2013/8/3 |
joshvarner/vertica-scripts | Random Vertica-related scripts (monitoring, tools) | 2013/7/23 |
michalklos/aws-vertica | Python script using Fabric and Boto to manage deploy of a Vertica cluster into AWS. | 2013/6/7 |
chimpler/blog-mysql-vertica-mongodb-impala | Comparing MySQL, Vertica, MongoDB and Impala | 2013/5/12 |
evrone/activerecord-vertica-adapter | ActiveRecord adapter for Vertica database based on pg adapter | 2013/5/3 |
lacyrhoades/VerticaJDK5 | Processing Vertica Library | 2013/4/25 |
spadidar/vertica_adapter | Vertica Adapter for Activerecord | 2013/4/6 |
wvanbergen/newrelic-vertica | Enable SQL monitoring in NewRelic RPM for the Vertica driver | 2013/3/25 |
rbanuelos/optimizador-sqlvertica | En este proyecto se pondrán a prueba las diferentes alternativas sql para el motor de consultas de Vertica | 2013/2/27 |
mattcasters/VerticaBulkLoader | Kettle Vertica bulk loader | 2013/2/19 |
christophermanning/activerecord-vertica-adapter | It's an ActiveRecord adapter... for Vertica. | 2013/2/15 |
golann/Vertica-code | TWINGO www.twingo.co.il | 2012/8/28 |
RedBrainLabs/vsql_parser | Treetop parser for vertica-flavored SELECT SQL queries. Should support postgres queries too, since their syntax appears to be identical. | 2012/8/4 |
landonia/vertica-cli | A simple CLI for connecting to a Vertica DB using their JDBC driver. | 2012/5/31 |
pgroudas/activerecord-vertica-adapter | This is an ActiveRecord adapter for Vertica extracted from the activerecord-jdbc-adapter project. | 2012/3/7 |
vertica/Graph-Analytics----Triangle-Counting | Use Big data tools such as Vertica, Hadoop and PIG to count triangles in a graph. Experimentally compare their performance. | 2011/11/3 |
alamb/Vertica-Emacs-vsql | VSQL specialization for emacs SQL mode http://www.vertica.com | 2011/11/3 |
ptoole/hadoop-sqoop-vertica | Vertica Manager for Hadoop Sqoop | 2011/10/17 |
cuerty/pyvertica | Modified version of the psycopg2 library that can connect to Vertica Analytics. | 2011/9/7 |